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Don't Compare

Do Healthy Competition Hey! Here again. How are you all?? I wish you all are good and safe. So today's  we are going to talk about it something which stay with us , it is something we are always facing from the childhood to adulthood happening with everyone in everyday and every second . Can you guys wanna  give a guess what it is ?? ‘COMPETITION’. 'COMPETITION' we hear this words thousands and may be more than that . This something which we faces everywhere we go in a party or family function or at shopping centers , even at our own home where we compared with our cousins and siblings also . You know what really competition is when we start comparing ourselves with other that they are better than us or we are better than them, but one things has to understand that everyone have their own potential or capacity and qualities. Yeah in this world competition is in huge amount because the takers are more and the things are less than it's naturally come into the actions of...

Don't Feel Pressured

Say 'YES' Only When You Want

Hey everyone !! Today we are going to talk about role of saying 'NO'. This 'NO' can change your life , bring you another aspect of life. 'NO' leads you successful life , happiness and freedom. 'NO' is necessary for self love sometimes. Say 'NO' without feeling guilty. yeah sometimes we say yes for those things which we don't want to do but we say yes to makes others happy somewhere it's good to make other happy but not putting your happiness down. Because if we didn't make ourselves happy we can't make others happy. Sometimes we say yes even when we want to say no. This would be happen with almost everyone. True ??

If you don't want to do that thing ( you can include anything you don't want to do but say yes or do it with ) say 'NO' . Say 'NO' to everything which you don't like which makes you uncomfortable . Nobody suppose to force you for anything you don't want to because if you put yourself down that's never make you happy . And life is all about staying happy in every aspect of life. You mean to live a happy life you deserve this but for this you should take initiative for your happiness . Never expect that other will make you happy . Its Only your duty to stay yourself happy . Only you can do what's make you happy. Saying yes and smile, when you don't feel like and agree with someone who you don't actually agree with. This is how people pretend to be friends with people they don't actually like , and do things which they don't want.

Sometimes, people agree with those people whom they wanted to be friends with , But this is not true friendship where you agree with just because you want to be friend with . If you really want to make friends, then make a genuine friends who care about you, who are ready to take your all flaws and highs. Let me tell you one thing about healthy form of true friendship or love , it is about when two people trying to help each other, accept each other flaws , appreciate each other similarities, and remember what bothers you and pull you out when you falling . True bond is start with freedom , love.

If you really want to make geniune friend you don't have to say yes for everything only say yes when you feel like. When you stay yourself you loose many people who are injurious for your happiness and joy. Stay yourself say straight what you don't want or you want .
If you suppose to say yes everytime in everything you loose your importance in someone life and one day in with your life as well Because those relationship ends where one person is doing what thet want and other just saying yes. Because if you didn't speak what you want people take you for granted . They are just pretending to be your friend , prioritise your wants and needs and after that of someone stay that will be your true friend .
 Prioritise what you want, what makes you happy, what's make you feel alive. 

Don't pressure yourself to feel more than you feel. Don't flee, don't force things. Find the fun vein. Give yourself space and watch what happens.


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