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No Expectations
Don't Expect Anything
How many of you feel that our nature sometimes does not match with other people? When Nature doesn’t match, what about misunderstanding? It is bound to happen. We look at them Their Nature will a completely different from ours. Our Nature will be completely different from theirs. We tell them – I just don’t understand you. They say – It’s okay. I also don’t understand you. One day or one year passes this way. In fact the story is a little longer. Perhaps that person is sitting adjacent to you here. Now We believe That a relationship will be beautiful when, When both of us have identical nature. We believe that if my nature and your nature are similar then our relationship will be harmonious.
Just think and visualize. Let’s just consider a husband and wife. Both wake up one morning They think identically, they speak identically. They behave identically. There is nothing different between them. How will their life be? It becomes boring? If they are identical, it becomes boring. If they are different, it becomes a problem. Which one should we choose now? That is why; we should think what we want. We are expecting that The other person Thinks, speaks, and behaves in a manner identical to ours. Neither less, nor more. But is exactly like us in everything. This morning When you got an introduction of yourself You understood – Who am I? I am a soul. This one line – Who am I? I am a soul. It is a solution to every problem in life.
People who do not meet your expectations I feel like I expect a lot from people and 90% of the time they just disappoint me if you learn this principle to not expect anything from others you won’t be disappointed because somebody is not giving you what you expect my friend you need to stop expecting from people why and how to do that number one recognize that people will let you down the thing is this is not really a bad or a negative thing this is just the fact big grails of how great of a person you are or how great of a partner you are it has nothing to do with you people are human beings we all are we make mistakes we are flawed we are not perfect so you setting a set of expectations from another human being you are setting yourself up to disappointment people can’t even support themselves they can even cheer themselves up so why do you expect them to do those things for you our destiny doesn’t depend on someone for it to be successful God doesn’t create us to depend our lives to someone else’s action with that said even if people disappoint you.
You can still keep moving forward I want you to learn nobody is even if you did them a huge favour in the past that doesn’t automatically make them return the favour back number two take control of your actions and feelings let go of the thing that you can’t control but take control of your actions your decision and most specially your feelings you can’t put your life on someone else’s hand and determine where will you be or what you will feel depending on his or her actions do you see how self-defeating that is just me saying that makes me cringe you know the most popular cringe phrases that I hear all the time here it is you made me feel bad you made me do things you make me say things that I normally don’t know one makes you do anything that’s your decision and it is your action you need to realize the difference between fault and responsibility OK.
It may be his or her fault to make you feel a certain way or making you do something that you normally want but he or she is not responsible for your own actions you are so stop putting the blame on others number three be self-sufficient if you expect from others you will be disappointed people will let you down they are not here to please you they have their own barrels that they are dealing with people can be busy and not there when you need them the most sometimes they will even turn their backs on you the least you expect it what they do or don’t do what they gave or don’t give have nothing to do with you it’s good that people support you help you but you should not expect it and you should not depend on it if someone is not supporting you not validating you not complimenting you it’s okay support validate and compliment yourself that self-sufficiency you don’t have to convince people to like you,
My friends keep moving forward with or without them if you learn this principle to not expect anything from others you won’t be disappointed because somebody is not give you what do you expect again if nobody’s complimenting you compliment yourself wake up in the morning and look at yourself in the mirror and say hey you’re looking good you can’t rely on your spouse you’re called your teacher your friends to live your life the thing is no one in this world can meet all your needs if you expect from others and they don’t meet your expectations you will become resentful unhappy and you will start holding that against them it’s a recipe to ruining a relationship the key to any good relationship is recognizing the other person’s strengths and weaknesses and be able to give them room to be who they are you can’t squeeze them on your own mood with that said keep moving and continuing on with your life without expecting anything from people be thankful of all the things they have done to your life and be grateful because of their presence.
The Secret of Happiness is low Expectations
The best way to avoid disappointment is not to expect anything from anyone...
It's true